The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: growing

  • Release and Ready

    Release and Ready

    Do you have a point of focus for the year ahead yet? It’s not for everyone, but I typically find it helpful to sit quietly with my thoughts at the turn of the calendar page. This can take any form: barefoot during the silence of a new morning with a hot cup of tea and…

  • Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    We’ve had a lot of conversations around here of late about what it means to be immigrant carriers of culture, and the dissonance of returning to your homeland after years abroad. Typically, the culture there has evolved and updated with the times, whilst often the culture carried abroad has ossified and become outdated. Our cultural…

  • to stick or fold? how 2020 taught me lessons for the future

    to stick or fold? how 2020 taught me lessons for the future

    Learning where to stick and when to fold. When to follow through, and where to alter course. What are the risks and what are the gains, and how to judge the cost?

  • lessons from plants

    lessons from plants

    It’s been a year since I first started propagating plants from single leaves, and this seems as good a time as any to share the lessons they’ve been teaching me.