The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: parents

  • Parenting in an age of genocide

    [I have so many unpublished draft posts between the last time I posted and now, but I can’t keep up with myself so I’m jumping ahead. I’ll continue to review and publish chronologically as I get to them.] This cannot be the world we want to raise our children in. Thankfully for now, my child…

  • Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    We’ve had a lot of conversations around here of late about what it means to be immigrant carriers of culture, and the dissonance of returning to your homeland after years abroad. Typically, the culture there has evolved and updated with the times, whilst often the culture carried abroad has ossified and become outdated. Our cultural…

  • Where we’ve come from

    Where we’ve come from

    As we look forward to raising our child in this complex and confusing world, we think it’s important to have a clear picture of how we ended up here. Coming from completely different worlds ourselves, we’ve somehow navigated our way to each other to build a life that reflects our values and nurtures our dreams.…