The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: family

  • Parenting in an age of genocide

    [I have so many unpublished draft posts between the last time I posted and now, but I can’t keep up with myself so I’m jumping ahead. I’ll continue to review and publish chronologically as I get to them.] This cannot be the world we want to raise our children in. Thankfully for now, my child…

  • Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    As the primary caregiver of a breastfed, contact-napping, cosleeping, velcro baby, I need to find ways to top up my cup in the slivers of time I get to claim as mine. I can’t wait for a day off, or even until nap-time, so what can I do instead? These are my main tactics:

  • Liniment oléo-calcaire

    Liniment oléo-calcaire

    Multicultural life is exhausting, so it’s soothing to find things that feel like wins. Something like, being able to pull from multiple different cultures. Yes, I genuinely pick and choose what part of each culture I want to keep and what I want to ignore. I believe that sticking to things “because that’s how we’ve…

  • How we cloth diaper

    How we cloth diaper

    Maybe we got lucky but we feel like it has been pretty easy to cloth diaper our baby. We decided early on in pregnancy that we were going to give it our best shot, and spoke to a lot of parents who started then stopped or who intended to cloth diaper but then didn’t. Based…

  • breastfeeding is hard – my story

    breastfeeding is hard – my story

    This is a read best left for those who are seeking reassurance and solidarity in their breastfeeding struggles.

  • Learning from my own lessons

    Learning from my own lessons

    Speaking personally, the hardest thing to reconcile growing up mixed was the way my European (and religiously Christian) parent dismissed a lot of my Asian parent’s cultural observances with religious logic. Whilst faith and festivals are often intertwined, it’s still possible to celebrate the festivals and what they teach us about our history and culture.…

  • Why I’m doing postpartum confinement

    Why I’m doing postpartum confinement

    Yes, the truth is that I am under no obligation to do a postpartum confinement. I am not fully Chinese, my partner’s family is not Chinese, and I don’t live in a Chinese community. There is no social or cultural expectation that I would follow any Chinese traditions of any kind (including all those feast…

  • Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Recently, a couple of conversations have arisen in various circles I frequent that I feel kinda uniquely positioned to speak to. I grew up mixed both racially and culturally, and the extent to which both have shaped me is informing the ways I plan to navigate these issues with my own children. This will be…

  • Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    We’ve had a lot of conversations around here of late about what it means to be immigrant carriers of culture, and the dissonance of returning to your homeland after years abroad. Typically, the culture there has evolved and updated with the times, whilst often the culture carried abroad has ossified and become outdated. Our cultural…

  • Where we’ve come from

    Where we’ve come from

    As we look forward to raising our child in this complex and confusing world, we think it’s important to have a clear picture of how we ended up here. Coming from completely different worlds ourselves, we’ve somehow navigated our way to each other to build a life that reflects our values and nurtures our dreams.…