The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: perspective

  • On being an older mother

    On being an older mother

    The biggest thing I’ve experienced coming into motherhood at the cusp of middle age is the sheer wonder I have for something that almost passed me by. I almost decided not to have any kids, but I just couldn’t fully commit to that decision, and I guess this is why.

  • Parenting in an age of genocide

    Parenting in an age of genocide

    This cannot be the world we want to raise our children in. Thankfully for now, my child is too young to observe, note, or understand the atrocities taking place (in Gaza principally but not solely), but how can we explain to them how we are watching this horror show unfold like it’s just another Netflix…

  • Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    As the primary caregiver of a breastfed, contact-napping, cosleeping, velcro baby, I need to find ways to top up my cup in the slivers of time I get to claim as mine. I can’t wait for a day off, or even until nap-time, so what can I do instead? These are my main tactics:

  • a challenge or a lesson?

    a challenge or a lesson?

    It’s ok to quit as long as we learn. Time to sit down and be humble.

  • training for life

    training for life

    Reasons why any pre-defined training plan (whether found on social media or purchased from a reputable wellness professional) can only do so much – and why I don’t sell training plans.

  • working on enjoying this moment

    working on enjoying this moment

    It can be all too easy to look for the good in a situation or get bogged down by the bad, but the key lesson I’ve been learning this year is accepting the full picture. And that goes for myself as well.