The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Tag: self-knowledge

  • Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    Sustainable living (the personal kind)

    As the primary caregiver of a breastfed, contact-napping, cosleeping, velcro baby, I need to find ways to top up my cup in the slivers of time I get to claim as mine. I can’t wait for a day off, or even until nap-time, so what can I do instead? These are my main tactics:

  • Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Recently, a couple of conversations have arisen in various circles I frequent that I feel kinda uniquely positioned to speak to. I grew up mixed both racially and culturally, and the extent to which both have shaped me is informing the ways I plan to navigate these issues with my own children. This will be…

  • Release and Ready

    Release and Ready

    Do you have a point of focus for the year ahead yet? It’s not for everyone, but I typically find it helpful to sit quietly with my thoughts at the turn of the calendar page. This can take any form: barefoot during the silence of a new morning with a hot cup of tea and…

  • Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    We’ve had a lot of conversations around here of late about what it means to be immigrant carriers of culture, and the dissonance of returning to your homeland after years abroad. Typically, the culture there has evolved and updated with the times, whilst often the culture carried abroad has ossified and become outdated. Our cultural…

  • Where we’ve come from

    Where we’ve come from

    As we look forward to raising our child in this complex and confusing world, we think it’s important to have a clear picture of how we ended up here. Coming from completely different worlds ourselves, we’ve somehow navigated our way to each other to build a life that reflects our values and nurtures our dreams.…

  • a challenge or a lesson?

    a challenge or a lesson?

    It’s ok to quit as long as we learn. Time to sit down and be humble.

  • empires of information

    empires of information

    Why “the Internet”, my childhood palace of wonder and freedom, is now a sinister web of clickbait, pop ups, influencers, cookies, and lies.

  • why i don’t follow my own advice

    why i don’t follow my own advice

    The most unhelpful approach I can take to my repeated failures is believing that they define me. I may fail frequently, but I try to make up for it each time. If I can’t improve my executive skills, at the very least I won’t surrender to them.

  • lessons from plants

    lessons from plants

    It’s been a year since I first started propagating plants from single leaves, and this seems as good a time as any to share the lessons they’ve been teaching me.

  • we contain multitudes

    we contain multitudes

    No matter how fixed you feel your position is right now, you contain multitudes. You are in all directions at the same time and you exist in both the light and shadow.

  • letting go of expectations – a ritual practice

    letting go of expectations – a ritual practice

    When we carry expectations around with us that don’t serve us or contribute vitally to the wellbeing of those around us, things can get noisy in our heads and our souls. Join me in a ritual to release these burdens.

  • why i don’t have a gym membership

    why i don’t have a gym membership

    Reasons why I don’t have a gym membership, by a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor, + former gym manager.