The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: community

  • breastfeeding is hard – my story

    breastfeeding is hard – my story

    This is a read best left for those who are seeking reassurance and solidarity in their breastfeeding struggles.

  • Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Race and Culture, Race or Culture?

    Recently, a couple of conversations have arisen in various circles I frequent that I feel kinda uniquely positioned to speak to. I grew up mixed both racially and culturally, and the extent to which both have shaped me is informing the ways I plan to navigate these issues with my own children. This will be…

  • Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    Evolving as Keepers of Culture

    We’ve had a lot of conversations around here of late about what it means to be immigrant carriers of culture, and the dissonance of returning to your homeland after years abroad. Typically, the culture there has evolved and updated with the times, whilst often the culture carried abroad has ossified and become outdated. Our cultural…

  • Imposter syndrome

    Imposter syndrome

    Some people may ask, Who are we to write a blog on parenting when we haven’t given birth yet? And that’s a fair question.

  • my yoga journey doesn’t fit onto instagram

    my yoga journey doesn’t fit onto instagram

    I’d never owned a yoga mat, and didn’t know what a child’s pose was. I balked at the idea of putting my face anywhere near a mat that someone else’s feet had sweated on, wasn’t comfortable sitting or lying still with my eyes closed for any length of time, and there was no way in…

  • to stick or fold? how 2020 taught me lessons for the future

    to stick or fold? how 2020 taught me lessons for the future

    Learning where to stick and when to fold. When to follow through, and where to alter course. What are the risks and what are the gains, and how to judge the cost?

  • to infinite suffering, and beyond!

    to infinite suffering, and beyond!

    These feelings of helplessness, of loneliness, of creativity, of community, of longing, of fear; all of the feelings that have surfaced as 2020 has elapsed, collapsed, and relapsed, none of them are new. These feelings already existed in our world, in our carefully-ordered states of work and leisure. Loneliness, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and other…

  • a sip of productivi-tea

    a sip of productivi-tea

    The underlining tenet of productivity is the belief that what exists right now is not enough. It is antithetical to wealth or health or joy.

  • stay woke. stay dreaming.

    stay woke. stay dreaming.

    With everything that has happened so far this year, and everything that still lies ahead, we’d be forgiven for falling into despair. Yet still we dream.

  • a woman speaks by audre lorde

    a woman speaks by audre lorde

    Audre Lorde’s words are such nourishment for my soul. “A woman speaks” is one of the most important poems in my life.

  • the politics of wellbeing

    the politics of wellbeing

    As practitioners, it’s time we take our reclaim our words, our movements, our communities, and ourselves.

  • of course i’m obnoxious part i

    of course i’m obnoxious part i

    Sometimes words sound better structured as verse, the rhythm reveals the power of a language that shines in vernaculars.