The Decolonial Parent

a continuous work in progress

Category: Mirella Moves Archives

  • working on enjoying this moment

    working on enjoying this moment

    It can be all too easy to look for the good in a situation or get bogged down by the bad, but the key lesson I’ve been learning this year is accepting the full picture. And that goes for myself as well.

  • tend to your crops

    tend to your crops

    How we navigate our way through these turbulent times will define our collective future, and we have enough recorded history behind us by this point that we know it could go either way. With all that we have at stake, we’d be forgiven for abandoning hope.

  • finding your own peace

    finding your own peace

    5 minutes of peace can be a lifeline during such turbulent times as 2020 has been, and may well continue to be. Armed with a practice that supports us to find our own space, we can withstand just a little more of it together.

  • stay woke. stay dreaming.

    stay woke. stay dreaming.

    With everything that has happened so far this year, and everything that still lies ahead, we’d be forgiven for falling into despair. Yet still we dream.

  • letting go of expectations – a ritual practice

    letting go of expectations – a ritual practice

    When we carry expectations around with us that don’t serve us or contribute vitally to the wellbeing of those around us, things can get noisy in our heads and our souls. Join me in a ritual to release these burdens.

  • why i don’t have a gym membership

    why i don’t have a gym membership

    Reasons why I don’t have a gym membership, by a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor, + former gym manager.

  • what to do when you’re exhausted

    what to do when you’re exhausted

    “Treat yourself” doesn’t need to mean buying things, digging deep into your energy reserves to haul yourself to a class, nor spending the whole day at a spa. Here are some suggestions for low-effort, low-cost ways to rekindle your inner flame.

  • a woman speaks by audre lorde

    a woman speaks by audre lorde

    Audre Lorde’s words are such nourishment for my soul. “A woman speaks” is one of the most important poems in my life.

  • the politics of wellbeing

    the politics of wellbeing

    As practitioners, it’s time we take our reclaim our words, our movements, our communities, and ourselves.

  • of course i’m obnoxious part i

    of course i’m obnoxious part i

    Sometimes words sound better structured as verse, the rhythm reveals the power of a language that shines in vernaculars.

  • fixing holes

    fixing holes

    May you live in interesting times…

  • movement is free

    movement is free

    How many of us have experienced something like this: We look up from what we’ve been doing, take a deep breath and/or a stretch of our neck or hips, and feel the effects immediately?